Westtown Church
Westtown Church is committed to knowing the truth, experiencing the joy and living the love of Christ. We are passionate about developing people to be fully committed followers of Christ.
Podcasting since 2017 • 422 episodes
Westtown Church
Latest Episodes
Do You Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?
It is one thing to be thirsty and know you need water to live. It is another thing altogether to know where to find that life-giving and life-sustaining water. It is one thing to know you are a sinner and to find your hope in the so...
Do You Acknowledge Yourself to Be a Sinner?
What is the secret of becoming better lovers at home, in the church, and of our neighbors in the community? Speaking of the sinful woman who wet Jesus' feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair, kissed them and anointed them with expe...